Customizing Account Profiles & Field Options

Need a custom field on your account profiles? Want to make certain fields mandatory? Or maybe hide a field? This page will tell you how!
Written by Sharlene Kowk
Updated 1 month ago

Every group is different, and so we've made the information you collect on your profiles flexible and customizable.

Reminder: Depending on your subscription level, not all features may be available

Account Settings
Changing the terms a certain fields uses (vocabularies)
Custom profile fields

Account Settings

Located on the Admin Settings & Tools page, the Account Settings area lets you make several default changes - such as hiding certain fields, and making certain fields mandatory.

  • Preferred name order (Last, First or  First Last)
    • When check-marked, this is how names will appear in tables and lists.
  • Allow accounts for children, and track family relationships. 
    • When check-marked, this enables the Parents role, and allows you to connect the accounts of parents, children, and spouses.
  • Allow accounts to be companies, and track employee relationships
    • When check-marked, this enabled the option to add companies as accounts - changing the name filed to a general title field when the account type is changed to "company". It will also allow you to connect accounts to a company as employees.
  • Show Insurance fields in the Medical Information fieldset
    • If unchecked, the insurance fields will not display on an account's profile. The doctors name and contact information fields will still display, but under the required section you can indicate that these are not required.
  • Select the default privacy settings for profile
    • The option selected here indicates the default setting for how profile information is shared with other members.
      - Social: Members select which contact details to share with other members, and the default is 'share' 
      - Selective: Members select which contact details to share with other members, and the default is 'do not share' 
      - Hidden: Members will never see each other's contact details, last names will be abbreviated
      Social and Selective are default settings that a user can also switch between for themselves on their profile, so if the default is Social, a user can switch their profile to Selective if they choose. A user can also select individual contact records to share, so they can choose to share their phone but not their address if they so choose.
      If you have chosen "Hidden" then profile details can never be shared with others.
      Admins, Managers, and Coordinators will always be able to see all profile details, regardless of these settings.
  • Allow the public to register for a no-role account from the main login page
    • Check-marking this option allows visitors to your site to create their own account on the login screen. You might want to enable this if also have the store open to the public (but it is not required).
  • Selecting required fields for a Members profile
    • Check-marking items here makes them required during the registration process if a user is creating their own account. If an admin creates an account for a user, the user will receive a notification via the notification system until those missing fields have been filled out.
  • Which profiles will be listed on the "Leadership" page
    • Here is where you can select the roles, subgroups or labels that will cause an account to be listed on the "Leadership" page that Members can view.
      This does not grant them any extra abilities, it just lists their profile along with a few profile details on the Leadership page.

Changing the terms a certain field uses

If you'd like to change the vocabulary a certain profile field uses, you can do this via the Vocabularies area on the Admin Settings & Tools page.

Profile field vocabulary that can be edited includes:

  • Gender
    • This field can also be used for pronouns if you add various options to select from.
      For a custom pronoun option, you may wish to consider adding a custom field, which is discussed below.
  • Honorifics
    • How would this account like to be addressed? Mr, Mrs, Ms, Mx?
  • Labels
    • Labels are private, and can only be seen by Admins, Managers, and Coordinators. An account cannot see the labels they are assigned.
  • Membership type
    • This not in reference to the role of Member which grants access to the site and other content, but a term tied to a Membership record which is a historical record of when someone joined/paid their dues. It's often used to denote when someone might pay a different dues rate, like a Youth member if they have different rates from an Adult member.
  • Sources
    • This vocabulary list appears on profiles and on the registration form the public sees if you allow them to create their own accounts, or they create an account while buying something from your public store. It's a great way to track the effectiveness of any marketing campaigns you might be doing.
  • Subgroups
    • Subgroups are a great way to organize your accounts, and can be used to identify various ensembles within your group, or various committees and teams. Subgroups are visible to Members, so they will be able to see what subgroups they are in.
  • Voice Part
    • Voice parts are used to divide your singers into their sections. You might use terms like Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass, or maybe they are further divided into Sop1 and Sop2, etc. 
    • Voice parts can also be given colour-coding used on the Places chart via Admin Settings & Tools > Voice Part Settings.
You can also add your own vocabulary lists, which you may want to use for custom profile fields, which are discussed below

Custom Profile Fields

Although profiles in your site have a variety of settings, perhaps there's a specific field you need that our system does not currently cover. No problem - you can add a custom field!

Adding a custom profile field

To add a custom profile field, go to the Admin Settings & tools page, and the click on the "Custom profile fields" item under "Settings"
Then click the "Add custom field" button above the table on the top right.

  • Enter a name and description
    The name will be the title of your field, and the description will appear in small italics below the field to provide more information to those filling out the field.
  •  Mandatory setting option
    Checkmark if this field is mandatory or not.
If this field is marked Mandatory at this level, it will require this field to be filled out even when and Admin creates an account for a user, and it will require it for all users. If this is a field where you want it to be filled out by members, refer to the settings above for requiring a field for a Member profile.
  • Type: Text field
    This field type allows a user to fill in a text answer. This option is best for collecting a wide variety of answers where you may not know all the possible answers, or answers will be unique for each user.
  • Type: Selection field
    This field type allows a user to select an answer from a pre-set list. You must create this list of words to choose from in the Vocabularies area on your Admin Settings & Tools page.
    Once the vocabulary list is created and saved, it will be an option to select under the List drop down.
    Cardinality allows you to choose if the user can only select one answer from the vocabulary list, or if they can select multiple.
  • Save
    Always remember to save your changes.

Managing custom profile fields

Go to the Admin Settings & tools page, and the click on the "Custom profile fields" item under "settings". This will bring you to a table where all of your custom profile fields are displayed.

This table displays the various options for the list, such as name, the type, if it's required, which vocabulary list it's connected to if it's a selection field type, and if it allows single or multiple values.

You can edit a custom profile field by clicking on the small edit pencil icon next to the field name.

You can delete a custom profile field by editing the field, and then clicking the delete button. This action cannot be undone, and all data within a field will be lost if it's deleted.

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