Failed Payments, Processing Refunds and Manual Payments, Marking an invoice as void, and Resending Receipts and Tickets

Here's how to handle these "out-of-the-ordinary" situations quickly and easily
Written by Sharlene Kowk
Updated 1 year ago

- Intro
- What to do if a subscription payment fails
- Processing a refund
- Record a manual cash payment
- Mark an invoice as void
- Resend a receipt
- Resend a ticket


Sometimes, things don't go according to plan. but don't worry - we've got you covered! With the choir Genius store you can update payment methods, pay a failed invoice, process a refund, record a manual cash/cheque payment, mark an invoice as void, and even resend receipt or tickets to purchasers.

What to do if a subscription payment fails

If your store is selling subscription products that are paid using a credit card, users must save their card info to their profile in order for the automatic payments to go through. However, cards expire, numbers change, or a payment can fail for various other reasons. If this happens, the invoice's status will be marked as "failed", and no further payment attempts will be made. The invoice will list the failed payments under the transaction details for review. 

Here are the steps to take to pay the failed invoice, and ensure future auto-payments are successful:

One: Update the saved payment method on their profile
Users can login to their account and update their payment details under their profile settings. If you need to send directions to your users on how to do this, we suggest linking them to this help page.
This new payment method should be saved as the "default".
They should delete the saved failed card.

Two: Pay the failed invoice
The invoice will need to be paid with a new card on the invoice page. The should go to the failed invoice - it will be listed on their "Order & Invoices" page, under the "Invoices" tab. Once they're viewing the invoice, they can click the blue "Pay this invoice" button and follow the onscreen instructions to complete payment.

Three: Update the card saved to the order
Next, the user will want want to go to the order - this is where the store looks to see what card it should use to attempt to pay connected invoices. The order will list the current payment method (which should be the card they just deleted from their saved payment methods). They will also see a button that says "Use default payment method". Click this button to add the new default card to the order. This will ensure that future invoice payments on the subscription use the new card.

Processing a refund

Was a payment made in error? Or perhaps a customer wishes to return a ticket or piece of merchandise? If that happens and you need to refund their money, you can click through to the correct invoice for the order and select the "refund" option in the "administration" section located at the bottom of their invoice. Please note, only full refunds can be processed - there are no partial refund options.

Tip: Processing a refund allows for a comment, so if you accidentally add an incorrect prepaid order and need to negate it, the best option is to refund the invoice and add the comment "VOID" for your record keeping. This is because invoices with payments attributed to them cannot be deleted.

Refunded invoices cannot be paid again, so if payment needs to be collected for that order, but perhaps with a different payment method, or with a slight adjustment, then a new order and invoice will need to be created.

Record a manual cash or cheque payment

Did someone in your store pay by cheque?  Admins and Managers can record the payment on the invoice for the order by marking it as "paid" - either using the "mark paid" button on the Manage Invoices page, or the "administration" section located at the bottom of their invoice. Once you select this a box will pop up where you can record a check number, or if it was paid in cash.

Have you received a cash or check payment, but do not have an invoice in the store to connect the payment to? You will want to go to  Store > Add Invoices/Payments in your menu, and select to add a payment.

Marking an invoice as "Void"

If you do not intend to collect payment for an invoice that was created, Admins and Mangers can mark an invoice as void using the "administration" section located at the bottom of the invoice.

An invoice without a transaction history can also be deleted, but it is often best to only delete an invoice for an order if you are also deleting the order as well, and do not include to collect payment on future invoices for that order (in the cases of subscription orders).

To delete an invoice:
Navigate to Store > Manage invoices. Find the invoice in the list and click the checkbox to the left of it. Click the delete button on the top right of the table. Reminder: You can only delete invoices without transaction records.

To delete an order:
Navigate to Store > Manage orders. Find the order and click "edit". Click the delete button. Important: This will not delete the associated invoices.

Resend a Receipt

Receipts are sent to purchasers via email after their purchase is completed. If they cannot find it and need another one, Admins and Managers can resend a receipt to a purchaser using the "administration" section located at the bottom of their invoice.

Resend a Ticket

Tickets are sent to purchasers via email after their purchase is completed. If they cannot find it and need another one, Admins and Managers can resend Tickets to a purchaser using the "administration" section located at the bottom of their order.

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